How Tos:

Quick Start
Cut Commercials
Strip Streams
Table Editor
Direct Show Control
Direct Show Troubleshooting

Quick Start

Main Loaded


The main screen is split into 4 main parts:

  • Decode and Analysis Windows

  • Status Window

  • Video Preview and Navigation

  • Video Preview

  • EDL (Edit Decision List)

  • EDL

Load a file

  1. Drag and Drop a Transport Stream file into the Video Preview window
  2. Or use the Open Button to select a file
  3. Click on the Save button to change the name of the output file or edit the Save As textbox

  4. Open / Save

Set An Edit Point

  1. Use the Navigation controls to find a suitable Start or End Point

  2. Navigation Controls
    • "<<" & ">>" Jumps approximately 10 seconds
    • "<" & ">" Jumps approximately 1 second
    • "IF-" & "IF+" moves to the next I-Frame
    • "F-" & "F+" moves to the next Frame
    • "p-" & "p+" moves to the next packet
    • "Play" will play the Transport Stream and turn into a "Pause" button
    • The Trackbar can be used to "Scrub" the stream for fast previewing
    • Cliicking either side of the pointer will jump approximately 60 seconds

  3. Click the "Test" button to check the start / end point is correct
  4. The Internal Viewer will launch to preview the edit point

  5. Internal Viewer Playing

Make an Edit

  1. Set the Start and End Points
  2. Click the "Add" button to add your start and edit points to the EDL (Edit Decision List)

  3. EDL

  4. Repeat 1 and 2 above for all your edit points
  5. You can move edit lines in the EDL window by dragging and dropping the line to it's new location
  6. You can delete a line in the EDL window by selecting it and clicking the "Del" button
  7. Once all your edit points have been set, Click the "Edit" button to begin the edit
  8. The status window will display the progress of the Edit
  9. Once finished, the Internal Viewer will launch so you can check your edit


  1. Click the "View" Button to rotate the Decode and Analysis Windows

  2. Decode

  3. The Decode and Analysis windows are:
    • Hex Display
    • PID Tree
    • Decode Window
  4. The buttons below are:
    • PID +/- buttons - These move to the next PID in the PID text box. You can edit the PID in the text box
    • NPID button jumps to the next different PID from the current PID
    • FastFindPIDs button quickly rescans the file to find the PIDs and any attribute changes
    • PCR button moves to the next packet carrying a PCR
    • NPTS button moves to the next packet carrying a PTS
    • PTS +/- buttons move to the next packet carrying a PTS for the specified PID in the PID text box
  5. Below the Status Window are some buttons for scanning for specific types of error:

  6. Status

    • CCS button scans for the next continuity error for the PID specified in the PID text box
    • TEI +/- buttons scan for the next packet with a TEI (Transport Error Indicator) error


  1. Load a Transport Stream
  2. Click the "Scan Button"

  3. Status

  4. TSPE will scan for the following:
    • Timestamp Gaps in PTS, PCR, DTS
    • Continuity Counter Errors
    • Packets with TEI Error Flags
  5. If any of the above errors are found, their position is also added to the EDL list
  6. Additionally, the status window will report the following:
    • PID list
    • Missing streams
    • Elementary Stream Attributes
    • Timestamp Wraparounds
  7. The scan results are saved to a file in the output folder with a .log extension